White Horse Lottery


White Horse Lottery digital leaflet – April 2022

Vale Community Impact (the new trading name of Wantage Independent Advice Centre) provides three valued services for the community: an Advice Centre, Community Transport and Good Neighbour Services.

If you have heard of us and would like to support our efforts, why not take part in the community lottery. For as little as £1 a week, you could be in with a chance to win a cash or a prize and we directly benefit from your contribution. We know that times are tough, so we’d be extremely grateful for your support. Here’s where you can get all the information you need to take part in the White Horse Lottery for Vale Community Impact, and be a potential winner!

Here’s a message of thanks from our Chairman:

We need your help so we can continue to offer and even expand our services!  We really want to make sure that residents of the Vale know that we are here to provide them with assistance and also spread the word that volunteering with us can make a real difference to both the volunteer and the VCI client.

Thank you for your support and good luck!

Yours sincerely,

Graham Beith, Chairman